Managing Stress of The Unexpected


Managing the stress of the unexpected: fertility issues

Hey there! Welcome to fix your focus.

In this podcast episode, we will talk about managing stress in unexpected situations. Our focus in this session will be around fertility issues and the big tips to overcome this challenging situation.

Our special guest is Dr. Loree Johnson a licensed marriage and family therapist, with more than 25 years of experience as a clinician-educator and clinical supervisor.

She helps her clients navigate uncertainty on relationships, fertility journeys, loss of a pregnancy, among others. Also, helps them strengthen their relationships by combining her clinical background, as well as her own personal experience into a holistic therapeutic approach.

She started working with couples and realized that many of their issues going around them were about fertility and reproductive health, so this became her focus. Besides, she went through her own fertility journey so she started seeing this from a different perspective.

In this episode, we talk with Dr. Johnson about things like:

  • Fertility challenges that couples experience.
  • Biggest myths around procreation.
  • The isolation and depression caused by fertility issues.

We also talk about how couples can overcome relationship issues caused by fertility with good communication and connection and she walks us through the 4 pillars of fertility health, which will surprise you!

Here you will hear about assisted reproductive technology as one of the biggest fertility treatments and last but not least we will talk about getting help and how many women going through fertility issues don’t ask for therapeutic support.

If you want to hear in-depth all the amazing knowledge that Dr. Loree shared with us you can click here and have access to the full episode.

And also, if you want to reach Dr. Loree directly she has a website called and she’s at Facebook as @drloreejohnson

Remember that acknowledging these issues and looking for help is the best thing you can do for yourself!

Click the link to listen to the entire interview with this incredible Dr.:

Managing Stress of the Unexpected by Fix Your Focus

I hope this episode could be helpful for any woman out there going through fertility issues. There’s always a way to overcome this and you don’t have to do it alone. See you in the next episode.